The lawless Swedes
Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in Carl Birdt , Dayton Agreement , Flying , Henning Mankell , IKEA , Schiphol , Stieg Larsson , Swedish , writing | Posted on 10:00 AM
File under: Fuck you I won't do what you tell me (Swedish remix).
'A 41-year-old Swedish man has been arrested at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport after flying for years on a false pilots license, the Telegraaf reports.'
The rest of the story takes some of the drama away, the pilot did have a license before, but only for freight flights and it had expired years ago. But with the success of Stieg Larsson and other block-buster crime writers, such as Henning Mankell, Sweden is changing into a dark place with crime, grime and prostitution. Now we have illegal pilots flying around to emphasize that the picture of a freedom-loving liberated porn paradise that people thought Sweden was before no longer is true.
The time when Sweden was seen as a moralist tranquil nation of blond diplomats (its peak doubles being Carl Bildts involvement in the Dayton Agreement and the end end of the war in Bosnia) is slowly crumbling together with that IKEA lap you bought for your first student apartment. Maybe the Italian made shockumentary above saw this coming before the rest of us Swedes.
I myself can't wait to head out to Schiphol tomorrow evening for some flying.
The swedish sin is as real as the swedish polar bear, corruption and street crime is rampant and prostitution is illegal. In other words, welcome to hell ;)