Alternative number 2
Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in Amsterdam , Dublin Airport , Starbucks , West Side Story | Posted on 6:42 PM
Sometimes you sit at Dublin Airport, drinking your over priced African fair trade Starbucks coffee while reading a book review about the financial crisis. A friend sends you a text and tells you that he has an extra ticket to West Side Story the same evening in Amsterdam. When this happens you can either consult your red moleskin agenda which is filled with so called 'things to take care off' or you can say, fuck it, I never go to musicals, so why not. Needless to say, on this occasion Airportline choose alternative number 2.
I applaud your choice, sir!
*clap clap* nicely picked!
It was not bad, I now realize where the idea to Run DMC's video It's Like That comes from. Colorful professional battle dancing in 50s New York setting was exactly as thrilling as it sounds.