The exhibistionistic hypocrisy of Canada
Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in Blonde , Canada , Joyce Carol Oates , Norway | Posted on 8:49 PM
Last week I said that I was gonna make fun of Norway. But, as the faithful reader of this blog knows, nothing I say ever comes true. But, since making fun of nations is something of a favorite past time I will take a knock on Canada instead. But, since I destroyed my brain during the weekends celebrations I will give the word to Joyce Carol Oates and a section in her diary dated May 28th 1978:
'Who are our neighbors? They keep moving, we keep moving. There's no continuity, no sense of a whole. And we're in, after all, a country determined to see itself as foreign to the United States though in every way it is American, and linked to the American destiny. The exhibistionistic hypocrisy of Canada! Making great profits out of the Vietnam War while pretending in public to disapprove of American aggression.'
Joyce Carol Oates, I read her diary slow but always enjoy it thoroughly. The musings about her persona and thoughts about writing feel both effortless and honest. Everyone interested in writing, the writing process and the distinction between the public/private persona should read it. It makes sense to me know why she wrote Blonde, which I have not read but really feel I should read.
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