The man behind the words part 3

Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in , , , , , , , | Posted on 4:03 PM

This is the third part of the Airportline founder and CEO answers random questions from a questionnaire that he has adapted from a Swedish blog and answered three weeks ago

Do you rather receive emails or letters?

There is something very nice with hand written letters, but since I receive more letters than I send I do feel a bit guilty about this. My mom send me letters with cows sometimes, I like that. But the message is more important than the medium.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, although it is a matter of definition because the love you feel at first sight is very different from the love you feel after getting to know someone. But they are both beautiful feelings and I believe in them both.

Have you puked in public?
Yes, in a friends lap on a bus in Karlstad. To my defence I told him I really needed to get of, but he assumed that I didn’t know what I was talking about. Never assume.

Are you satisfied with your life?
Yes, I am living it the only way I know how. Even though I lack some things which I might perhaps would have liked to have at this stage there are many positives in all the uncertainty I walk around in.

Are you spoiled?
I used to complain that I wasn’t but considering the people I've met and the places I've had the possibility to visit I think the only acceptable answer would be yes. Then again, I have no bed or money. But that is of course (partly) my own making.

What do you do tomorrow?
What I do everyday, do some work, do some writing, maybe meet a friend, make some food, do some reading. Listen to some music. I find amazing reward in some of these activities.

What is the worst thing you know?
People who only think of themselves. People who are not uninterested to meet new people or learn new things, people who complain that their life is boring but refuse to change even if they can, people who don’t know what they are talking about but still feel like they need to have an opinion, people who question art from a economic point of view, old ignorant people who claim that my generation is lazy and not willing to work hard, teenagers listening to bad commercial hip hop with their phone-speakers on busses and trains.

How much money do you waste during a week?
Depends on how you define waste, since I have very little money I feel that most of it goes to things I really value.

What celebrity do you think is a good role model?
Joyce Carol Oates

Comments (2)

True or made up, these answers made me smile :)
.. Soo, how do you cope with "people who don’t know what they are talking about but still feel like they need to have an opinion"? they exist in all social strata, in all cultures I've met by now; any coping mechanism here - I'd like to know :)

Teo: Although Airportline is a mixture between fiction and reality these answers are true, or as true as I can make them at least, I'm happy they brought a smile to someone:) Regarding people who are talking about things they have no idea about, I mostly just let it slide, there is no need wasting energy on it, better to just distance yourself from the situation or person. This is quite lame, I know, but you have to choose your battles in life.

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