The red carpet of the sea

Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:30 PM

The CEO and founder of Airportline Inc. wanted to leave the internet and the world which was attached to it. 'My whole world is online!', he screamed one day in an empty café while finishing his third chai latté to the sound of his now upset stomach. He was a man in despair, so attached to his computer screen that his eyes could no longer focus on anything not digital. Even in the middle of the night while he was sleepwalking he found himself next to his laptop, hunching as if is was a cup of rice and he was a poor child in some African war zone.

His computer had become his altar, the tool which his life was lived through. 'This has to stop' he continued in the empty cafe, with only a black cat who was hunting mice acknowledging this somewhat unusual event. He rushed out from the cafe, out into the street where people lived without a computer in front of their eyes. They all looked depressed as they were pacing down the street in the spiky rain that fell. Like Forest Gump he began running through small town and villages where old men were reading newspapers. 'Why aren't you reading them for free online!' he yelled at them. Unfortunately for him they found the latest football scores more interesting than listening to a running CEO of a non-profit blog.

He kept on going although the worlds ears seemed deaf. Like a Duracell rabbit escaping the laptop which tormented him he cut thought the countryside like a knife cutting through a Christmas ham until he finally made it to the ocean. In a great salute to this man's quest the ocean bowed and drew itself back, showing its red carpet. Which happened to be brown and muddy. There he stood, with the wind blowing through every hole in his second hand jacked and starred out into the distance. A man finally free from his computer.

After a few minutes he returned to his everyday life and wrote a blog post about it. Unclear about the effect of his Forest Gump running he opened up an old newspaper which he had stolen from an old man which he passed by and read that the sea bows for anyone who walks there at the right time. This information pissed him off.

Comments (4)

.. it took me a while to recall where I had put a different thread on National Stereotypes, but today I found it! :)
[Yea, this comment shouldn't have been here...]
anyway: Enjoy!

oh, and by the way.. How do you photograph the back of your [own] head? .. there should be a special technique for that..

Teo: thanks for the link, it was funny, especially the last sentence: 'In the mean time, the French still think they are alone on the island.' Very effective ending:)

Regarding the photograph, everything is possible in fiction;)

It's because of your black/white blog layout, it drives anyone sane crazy ;) Good run, I salute your failed attempt, should go camping or something to really escape the digital world..

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