All of the first days of my life

Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted on 8:18 PM

Biked to work in freezing temperatures.
Wrote things, many things.
Emailed people, many people.
Some answered.
One calling me Edvard instead of Patrik.
It's ok, its Monday I answered.
It was Monday.
It is Monday.
The cold is also here.
Soon I will be in a car.
Play some floorball, eat some food, read some Jonathan Ames, do some sleeping.
Then it will start again.
Bike to work in freezing temperatures.
Write things, many things.
Email people, many people.
You might see a pattern.
In all of the first days of my life that is lining up
In front.
Of me.

Comments (1)

don't freak out on us just yet... Edvard! :p

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