The distinct lack of a functioning comment section

Posted by Patrik Edvardsson | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:01 PM

The Airportline comment section is still not working. It is sad and true at the same time. I hate sad and true things. Long time Airportline friend, and now executive literary project editor, Gustav emailed this comment however:

Vecchio means old, I learned the other day. Or some word that resembles vecchio means old, at least. And now you use it on your blog. And I understand. It makes me proud of myself. Of some reason.

Gustav also blogs about his life in Rome and what he does at the United Nations World Food Program. Sometimes it is about trucks (yawn) and others about bookstores (yeah!).

Comments (2)

.. any chances it might from the browser?!
I took a while to understand that, whilst Chrome wouldn't publish my comments for anything in the world, Mozilla was fine..
Yea, I'm THAT persistent. (grin)
Now seriously, how about that?

Teo: Its possible, if someone that has tried to comment before tries it through Firefox that would be great.

Still, its not ideal that only people with Firefox can comment. Unless the Firefox people pay me for this exclusive service that is, care to comment on this, Firefox?

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